Brighter Shores is a REALLY Weird MMO - Review - Should You Play It?

Описание к видео Brighter Shores is a REALLY Weird MMO - Review - Should You Play It?

Hello everyone! Today, now that it's been out for a few days, we're going to take an in-depth look at the brand-new fantasy MMO by Andrew Gower, Brighter Shores. We'll talk about everything that's good, everything that's bad and everything that's really weird, and we'll try to answer the question of whether YOU should give Brighter Shores a try.

MMO Reviews Playlist:    • MMO Reviews  
Brighter Shores Playlist:    • Brighter Shores  

00:00 | Intro
00:38 | The Good
02:40 | The Bad
05:48 | The Really Weird
13:08 | Outro

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