Digimon Universe Appli Monster Card and Appmon Chip Unboxing

Описание к видео Digimon Universe Appli Monster Card and Appmon Chip Unboxing

May unboxes two new boxes - this time it's the third series of Digimon Universe Appli Monsters Card Game cards and the fourth version of the Appmon chips!

Be sure to check us out our Digimon podcast on iTunes where we watch every Digimon episode ever in both English and Japanese and compare the differences. It's also one of the hosts first ever watch through of Digimon! So check it out here: https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/lost...

Thank you to our supporters on Patreon; Sam Krieger (who hosts a Digimon and Pokemon podcast called ’The Moncast’), Stevie who is SteviePatamon on Tumblr and takes commissions, Wuqinglong (twitch.tv/wuqinglong), MetalMamemon, Joe, AnimeGuyKurosaki1 (Youtube using the same name), Chakmon, Ishpaul Bhamber, Hiro Alato (@HiroAlato on twitter, Jason Morosky, Ryuichi (frostmrajick on Archive of Our Own), Steven Reeves (@WildWing64 on Twitter), Kaida Washi, Mac, Noam, Riku, Red & Garren from Breakfast with Digimon, Chisai (Who you can follow on tumblr at chisai236), Corey, Kyle, DaLadyBugMan (you can read his blog about anime on baguburagu.wordpress.com), SmileWolfy (SmileWolfy on Tapastic), Tom, GlitchGoat, Azrael McCool, and Nicholas!
Become a Patreon supporter for as little as a dollar per month and we’ll love you forever!   / lostintranslationmon  
You can also donate to the production of this podcast using PayPal here: https://www.paypal.me/Airdramon

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On our website: https://lostintranslationmon.com/
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On Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/lost-...
You can email us: [email protected]


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