Copper Rose - How it's made (Grandmaster Creative)

Описание к видео Copper Rose - How it's made (Grandmaster Creative)

Sorry for long disappearance, Coronavirus did us good and bad.

Good is that our main factory got lots of Feb and Mar orders since all our customers want the good before everyone get locked down.

The bad part is now everyone in lock down, we are pretty much out of work to do, we have more free time to do content now.


This time is quite simple but it can be a very difficult task get this right and beautifully. We choose copper to work this time as we would like that pink orange finish.

Quite short this video, but we are back now in content making!


Bangkok Creative Studio believes in skilled craftsmanship which need to be preserve before the machinery and advanced manufacturing technology take over the craftsman and loss the skills forever. However, the set of skills shouldn't be only kept to professional only, our goal is to make those skills and knowledge available to everyone!


About Jareon, Grandmaster Creative
20 years experiences jewelry maker. Mastery in fabrication. Locking mechanism. And pretty much anything required some thinking in the metal work!


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