31 Weeks Pregnant - Pregnancy Week by Week

Описание к видео 31 Weeks Pregnant - Pregnancy Week by Week

The baby weighs around 1.6 kilograms, is 40 centimetres long and growing quickly. He spends most of his time sleeping and dreaming. His digestive system is almost developed. The child's skull is soft and has not closed. During birth, the bony plates of the skull will flex, allowing the head to pass through the birth canal.

During pregnancy, your body will produce more blood and fluids than usual and your growing baby will put pressure on the veins in your legs. This slows down the circulation in your legs and the fluid that fills up causes swelling in legs and feet. You may notice that putting your shoes on is difficult and wearing knee-high boots or thick socks is particularly challenging. You may also get swelling in your hands. Swellings should go down at night. If the swellings do not reduce and you gain more than 500 grams a week, consult your doctor or midwife to check for pre-eclampsia or late pregnancy toxicosis.

It is advisable to check your baby’s movements. Take time each day to lie down and work out how long it takes to feel the baby move 10 times. It’s a good indication when it doesn’t take more than an hour.

Think about where you wish your child to be brought into the world. Find out about different options at various hospitals. If you have not done it yet, there is still time to take part in parenting classes. You can go on your own or together with your partner and choose to participate only in those classes you are interested in. The classes cover a wide range of subjects including labour, breastfeeding, and caring for a newborn.

Visit our website for more: https://pregnancycalendar.org/


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