政府工 - 入境事務主任/入境事務助理員(入境事務處 )

Описание к видео 政府工 - 入境事務主任/入境事務助理員(入境事務處 )





Duties of Immigration Officer
An Immigration Officer is mainly deployed on general, executive and supervisory duties in connection with the enforcement of the immigration, registration of persons, births, deaths and marriage laws of Hong Kong, which include but not limited to the detection of forged documents.

Duties of Immigration Assistant
An Immigration Assistant is mainly deployed on general search, guard, escort, patrol, reception, driving and operational duties in connection with the enforcement of the immigration, registration of persons, births, deaths and marriage laws of Hong Kong, which include but not limited to the detection of forged documents.

*Applications are invited for the post of Immigration Assistant. This post is open for applications throughout the year until further notice.

For more information on job duties, career path, etc. of the Immigration Officer/Immigration Assistant, please watch the video.

(如欲觀看更多,請到政府工網站/ Watch more in Gov Job page)
政府工 Gov Job -


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