Book Minute: John Foxe Foxe's Book of Martyrs

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John Foxe was known in the 16th century for his work published in 1563 under the title, Acts and Monuments of These Latter and Perillous Dayes, more popularly known as Foxe’s Book of Martyrs.

He presented a history of Protestant martyrs, and in doing so exerted a major influence on English Protestantism. The book had many revisions, none more influential than the revised edition of 1570. Its 2,500 pages covered the history of persecution from the early church and beyond. It became even more influential when officials of the Church of England ordered a copy be placed in every church, common hall, and college, and it's a book that remains widely read today.

In a reference to Jeremiah 30:23, John Foxe wrote: “What storms and tempests it [the church] hath overpast, wondrous it is to behold.”

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