[Landscape] 소청봉|봉정암|용아장성|수묵담채화|繪畫六法|Contrast|composition|

Описание к видео [Landscape] 소청봉|봉정암|용아장성|수묵담채화|繪畫六法|Contrast|composition|

한지위에 그리는 수묵화, 검정색인 먹을 사용하여 그리는 산수화, 먹색의 다양함을 이용하여 원근이 표현되고 선으로 준법을 구사하여 암벽들을 표현해봅니다. 우리그림 회화육법에 대한 상세한 하나씩 하나씩 접근해봅니다.

#설악산 #소청봉 #용아장성 #봉정암 #수묵화 #水墨画 #hanji #한지 #Blind_contour_sketching #테법 #무테법 #차륜법 #紙筆墨 #수묵담채화 #한지 #hanji #墨色 #농담 #TEXTURE #질감 #mark_making #황금비 #coloring book #색칠공부 #두방지 #landscape #지필묵 #묵색 #점묘법(點描法) #點葉法 #점엽법 #Line_and_wash #鳥瞰圖 #회화육법 #繪畫六法 #구도 #披麻皴 #부벽준 #斧劈皴 #Composition #홀수의법칙 #rule_of_odds #rule_of_thirds #皴法 #What_is_art? #still_life #Lines_have_emotions! #黃金分割

[A4 갤러리]
Off–line 수강안내 : 고려대학교 평생교육원에서 한국화 그림공부를 함께 하실 수 있습니다. 아래 링크를 누르시면 내용을 상세히 보실 수 있습니다

작가소개 : 실경산수화 김현태 작가의 작품 :

A4 Gallery is a channel for those who are interested in drawing, but pressed for time because of their busy everyday lives. Therefore, I hope to show you how to draw only with the minimal instruments and little-to-none preparation!

When it comes to drawing, it can be easy to become pre-occupied with purchasing art supplies. This can be quite daunting for beginners and may lead to giving up on drawing even before you start

The purpose of this channel is to show you that you can start drawing with just a pen and A4 paper. The beginning is half of the whole - once you draw a line, you are already halfway to finishing!

You can become a master of drawing if you continue to practice and accumulate more experience.

I invite you to the world of Korean paintings!

Hyun-Tae Kim’s other works (link below)

Six principles of Chinese painting - Wikipedia -


The Six principles of Chinese painting were established by Xie He in "Six points to consider when judging a painting" (繪畫六法, Pinyin:Huìhuà Liùfǎ) from the preface to his book The Record of the Classification of Old Painters (古畫品錄; Pinyin: Gǔhuà Pǐnlù) written circa 550 and refers to "old" and "ancient" practices. The six elements that define a painting are:

"Spirit Resonance" (qiyun 气韵) or vitality (shengdong 生动), and seems to translate to the nervous energy transmitted from the artist into the work. The overall energy of a work of art. Xie He said that without Spirit Resonance, there was no need to look further.
"Bone Method" (gufa 骨法) or the way of using the brush (yongbi 用笔). This refers not only to texture and brush stroke, but to the close link between handwriting and personality. In his day, the art of calligraphy was inseparable from painting.
"Correspondence to the Object" (yingwu 应物) or the depicting of form (xiangxing 象形), which would include shape and line.
"Suitability to Type" (suilei 随类) or the application of color (fucai 赋彩), including layers, value and tone.
"Division and Planning" (jingying 经营) or placing and arrangement (weizhi 位置), corresponding to composition, space and depth.
"Transmission by Copying" (chuanyi 传移) or the copying of models (moxie 模写), not only from life but also the works of antiquity.
These have been translated over the years by a succession of sinologists with very varying translations.[1] "The problem lies, of course, in the terseness of the original Chinese, where each principle is stated in but four characters.... Each period of Chinese painting has its own special way of interpreting the six principles...their application is fluid, varying according to period and artist".[2]


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