Why Don't I Feel Forgiven?

Описание к видео Why Don't I Feel Forgiven?

The Bible teaches us that we are forgiven by God through Jesus Christ. It is a central and essential part of our Christian faith. I believe it. I hope you do too.

And... there are plenty of times I don't FEEL forgiven. Even though I believe it. 

How about you?

Luke 7:36-50 records how Jesus was dining at a Pharisee's house and had an unusual encounter with a woman there. As Jesus is confronted about her actions, he tells a story that can help us understand something really important about forgiveness, and why we don't emotionally connect with something we affirm is true.

As we hear it, it helps to unlock gratitude and joy.
Do you need more joy in your life?

I'm looking forward to spending some time in those scriptures with you this Sunday. 

Looking forward to seeing you. In-person if possible. Online if you must. 

10:00 am Sunday!


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