EXCEEDRAFT (Episode 1)

Описание к видео EXCEEDRAFT (Episode 1)

Three men, calling themselves terrorists, hole up in a building. They demand the police, on the strength of a hostage they seized, to release Man A who is in custody. The police refuses a deal with the terrorists. Just as a police squad is ready to charge into the building to uphold their honor, a young man with a dauntless face appears and advises the squad leader. The man is Hayato Kanoh, 25. “They are not ordinary terrorists. It’s reckless to charge into the building.”

But the leader doesn’t take his advice seriously and chases him away. “Who le a civilian come here !? Step back ! Step back !” The squad starts to take action. But electromagnetic barrier of Molecule Destruction Wave spread by the terrorists makes all policemen vanish like mist.

At the same time, at the request of the Director of the National Police Agency, a newly organized unit receives orders to cope with the situation.


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