Mississippi River Monsters

Описание к видео Mississippi River Monsters

Did a 70-foot-long river behemoth really lurk in the river’s channel in the 1870s? Are there monsters in the river’s depths that have eluded us so far? In this episode, we delve deep into the Mississippi’s murky waters and mystical swamps to uncover stories about the terrifying creatures that we have imagined prowl the river.

We also take a deep dive into a much smaller—and deadlier—monster along the river. The mosquito. We dig into stories about the swarms of mosquitoes that plagued early settlers, bugs that brought with them deadly diseases including malaria and yellow fever. We relate the stories of the devastating yellow fever epidemics that swept through cities New Orleans and Memphis, leaving a trail of death and despair.

Are you brave enough to venture into the mystical, monster-filled world of the Mississippi? Don’t forget your lucky charm—you’re going to need it!

NOTE: This episode includes graphic descriptions of the effects of yellow fever on the human body.

Find the show notes at: https://mississippivalleytraveler.com...


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