Gravity Circuit: Part 8: Cable/Power Circuit Stage (100% Completed)

Описание к видео Gravity Circuit: Part 8: Cable/Power Circuit Stage (100% Completed)

The 6th Rebel Circuit stage I take on is the Power Plant, led by Cable, the Power Circuit.

Oh! It's the Rebel Circuit that Kai first met outside in the Central Station at the start of this game!

According to Kernel, Cable has seized the Power Plant and is threatening to destory its main generator. Kai needs to stop him. Why?

Because the Kernel doesn't like his city streets getting too dark...

The gimmick of Power Plant is that there will be several surfaces that react to the electricity generated by different enemies and hazards. When their attacks touch these surfaces, they will be completely electrified and unsafe to touch for a moment.

You may also need to hit switches that will open deadly gates, but then you'll need to move your way through them quick enough before they close, again.

Lastly, Prim did say that she was initially here to do some painting. If you can find this stage's Palette Chip, you'll also see her canvas right next to it.

When you have Kai encounter Cable once again, he was expecting him to show up.

Just like with most of the rest of the stage, those gray surfaces will also be in Cable's room for him to take advantage of against you, especially when he unleashes his Burst Technique: Lightning Network.

Upon defeating Cable, he surrenders the main generator back to Kai, but claims that it doesn't matter what he does with it... Whatever that could mean...

After beating 6 Rebel Circuits, right before Kai returns from his 6th victory...

Something goes wrong with Kernel again... and it's even worse than it was before. It made Pat very worried, and Kernel even whispers something about a "Commander"...

Soon afterwards, Kernel changes back to normal. Pat was still worried that something serious was happening to him, but Kernel refused to let Pat push his concern any further and ordered him to keep this a secret.

Upon Kai's return, Kernel is thankful that his victory against Cable means he won't have to worry about working in the dark, anymore.

As I mentioned before about the Power Plant's Palette Chip, if you managed to find that, you can pay Prim to give you the Electrifying Green alt color, which lets you shoot electric shots from your punches and kicks. Likewise, Prim will also have her canvas back from the Power Plant, and she'll be very grateful of Kai's help with this as it means she can continue her peaceful painting of it.

Beating the Power Circuit will also make Nega start selling his Current Arc & Burst Spark as Burst Techniques.

It's still VERY amusing (yet suspicious…) that Nega continues to know about each and every Rebel Circuit's personality so personally as you defeat each of them, yeah...?


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