浮罗山背 - 林中吃榴莲 Farm Fresh Durians at Balik Pulau!

Описание к видео 浮罗山背 - 林中吃榴莲 Farm Fresh Durians at Balik Pulau!

位于浮罗山背(Balik Pulau)文丁(Genting)的‘留连轩’。
园主陈奕强与其妻卢赛玉联手经营这20亩的榴莲园,榴莲的品种一代接一代而来。园里有红虾、葫芦、猫山王、黑刺、‘林凤娇’、D11、604、 600号 等等。有些榴莲树龄已上百岁了! 目前种的新品种榴莲包括猫山王和黑刺。园里还有滋味别树一帜的山榴莲,一般人可能不太懂得欣赏,在名种榴莲当道的年代,他们却不舍的舍弃,除非山榴莲树自己倒下,否则都会保留下来。

Here's 20 acres of farm with some durian trees that are 100 years old. Pesticide -free, amidst a natural surrounding of undisturbed undergrowth ,and complemented with other farm fruits.         
It's Balik Pulau's Kampung Durian, a legacy belonging to Mr. Tan & his wife Jenny. Here's where you can taste the durian, in cool serenity ,engulfed in lush greenery with  echoes of  birds  singing. All  fresh from the moment it fully ripens and drops to the  ground at its own sweet pace, and not plucked.  Besides a farm tour, you can also spend the a nite or more stay in cosy chalets for family and friends . Take a break from the ordinary and enjoy the king of fruits fresh from the trees right at Nature Fruit Farm, Balik Pulau!

Address : Nature Fruit Farm
311 MK 7, Kampung Genting, 11000 Balik Pulau,
Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.
Tel : +604 8669241 (Office)
+60124887773 ( Mr Tan )
+60125887773 ( Jenny )
Fax : +604 8669241


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