On Trials and Temptations - Elder Ephraim of Arizona

Описание к видео On Trials and Temptations - Elder Ephraim of Arizona

“Many times a temptation happens which, at first glance, does not seem to conceal anything salvific within it. Yet afterwards, we see that within it is eternal life!”

“God allows temptations so that they might rouse us to remember Him. When we call upon Him, He acts as though He does not hear us so that we multiply our supplications and cry out His holy name, in fear of the various passions. Then, through the pain of the entreaties, our heart is sanctified, and through experience we learn the weakness of our lame nature. And thus we realize in practice that without God's help we are not able to do anything.”

“Is there anyone who has entered paradise by a different path, a path without temptations, whom we can imitate? No. All the saints passed through fire and water, through various temptations and afflictions, and they glorified God with their patience and received crowns of eternal glory!”

The text is from “Counsels from the Holy Mountain” by Elder Ephraim of Arizona. The book can purchased here: https://stanthonysmonastery.org/produ...

Audiobooks from St. Anthony’s Greek Orthodox Monastery, including “Counsels from the Holy Mountain” can be found for free here: https://stanthonysmonastery.org/pages...

Learn more about this great Athonite Elder and Saint of America here: https://www.stanthonysmonastery.org/a...

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