ध्यान के लिए दिव्य संगीत - Divine Music for Meditation - Deep Comfort and Relaxation Music - Jukebox

Описание к видео ध्यान के लिए दिव्य संगीत - Divine Music for Meditation - Deep Comfort and Relaxation Music - Jukebox

Meditation is a beautiful technique that helps you to live a stress and anxiety free life. It relaxes your senses and makes you feel fresh from within. When you meditate, you shouldn’t be thinking about anyone or anything. The focus should be on your inner self. However, there are a few people who often get distracted while meditating. For this crowd, music is the only source of help. Listening to some calming and gentle music can surely help you enjoy meditation and concentrate better.

If you are wondering about the kind of music you should choose, I would recommend flute music. You can buy the right kind of music cassette and CD that provides soothing flute music to help you while you meditate.

Reduction of Stress: Flute music weaves a magical and enchanting web of its own. The moment you begin to listen to it, you will feel a sense of happiness from within. Your body will be calm and composed. All fears as well as worries shall be taken away from you and inner peace shall be found. Not just that, your mind shall be elevated, and you will start to feel like all tension and worries are being released from your body. If you are stressed with work, do try flute music while meditating.
Deep Meditation: With flute music, you will be able to meditate in a deeper way. Your mind shall be calm, and you will be travelling in a world of beauty and magic with the help of this. The more you stay in the presence of flute music, the more you will enjoy and learn from meditation.

Better Sleep: Now there are so many of us who wished they could sleep well at night. With all the workload and stress surrounding, it almost becomes impossible to get good sleep. This is where you need flute music. Whenever you sit to meditate, listen to the soft music provided by this precious music instrument and I assure there shall be no turning back. You will sleep better and more at night than you thought you will be able to. Isn’t this a better alternative than medication?

Reduces Pain: If you are someone who suffers from joint back, back pain or even headaches, flute music while meditating can be a great and simple solution to your problem. It works like a miracle, trust me! Studies have declared that those who meditate while listening to music tend to have lesser body pain than those who don’t. In fact, people who practice meditation hardly ever end up in the hospital.

Track listing

1. Awakening - based on rang Khamaj (00:00)
2. Enlightenment - based on raag Desh (10:42)
3. Homage - based on raag Gara (17:42)
4. Serenety - based on raag Pahadi (25:33)
5. Elation - based on raag Jaijaivanti (31:36)
6. Devotion - based on raag Yaman Kalyan (35:26)
7. Harmony - based on raag Hansdhwani (43:32)
8. Solace - based on rang Darbari (51:17)
9. Eternity - based on raag Bhairavi (58:35)
10. Bliss - based on raag Rageshri (01:06:00)

Buy on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/div...

An exploration of the Divine by some of the finest musicians of their generation that showcases the beauty and sanctity of the ancient art of Indian Music. Divinity is a musical journey that truly experiences the inner soul. Gentle and soothing instrumental music that will relax and relieve the stress of modern times that we all suffer from.

Music arranged and conducted by Ashit Desai.

Conceieved and Produced by Hemant Mattani

Artists : Rakesh Chaurasia, Rupak Kulkarni, Sunil Das, Ulhas Bapat, Madhu Dhumal, Shambhaji Dhumal, Chintoo Singh, Pandit Bhavani Shankar, Alap Desai, Dnanesh Deo, Deepak Shah, Navin Manraja


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