Don Shirley – Orpheus in the Underworld – Band 1 – 1956

Описание к видео Don Shirley – Orpheus in the Underworld – Band 1 – 1956

Once long ago there lived a youth named Orpheus. The Gods loved Orpheus so much that they endowed him with two gifts: the gift of poetry and the gift of music. And the great God Apollo gave him a golden lyre.

Orpheus sang and played with such perfection that he cast an enchantment over everything about him. So moving were his songs and the music of his lyre that he even charmed the hard rocks and the whispering trees. Streams turned in their courses to follow him and wild beasts became gentle and gathered around him in peace.

Don Shirley, an improvisation based on the story of “Orpheus in the Underworld” . Converted from the original vinyl via Audacity (


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