video 1 - Berghausen (average light vehicle occupancy = 1.3)

Описание к видео video 1 - Berghausen (average light vehicle occupancy = 1.3)

I work at PTV Group in Karlsruhe where I am responsible for future public transport and sustainability solutions. One of the software tools PTV develops is called Vissim and it allows you to make multi-modal micro simulations. Normally I would not make any traffic models mself but I just wanted to give it a try - and it is not so difficult!

Here you see the traffic in and around Berghausen in the morning peak. Please note: it has not been calibrated in any scientific way but I believe it resembles reality to a great extent. Suggestions to improve are welcome!

Legend: vehicles in red only transport the driver, the green vehicles transport more than one person. The average vehicle occupation is 1.3 (which maybe should be closer to 1.1 to reflect German trip ratios for work related trips (Arbeit und Dienstlich)).


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