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When you find it difficult to mix acrylic pouring paint by yourself, you can buy acrylic pouring paint on the market, which can be used directly, which saves a lot of time. The disadvantage is that it will be used very quickly. Regarding recommendations for acrylic pouring paint brands, so far I have used Montmartre, Abeier, and ARTEZA, and the results have been pretty good.

If you choose to mix your own acrylic pour paint, read the following. Hope that helps.

Acrylic pouring paint is typically mixed with a pouring medium to achieve the right consistency for fluid art. Here's a basic guide to mixing acrylic pouring paint:

1. Choose Your Paint: Select acrylic paints in the colors you want to use. These can be any acrylic paints, but it's best to use fluid or soft body acrylics as they are already somewhat thin.

2. Select a Pouring Medium: Pouring mediums are designed to thin acrylic paints without compromising their adhesive properties or color intensity. You can find pouring mediums at art supply stores or online.

3. Mixing Ratio: The ratio of pouring medium to paint varies depending on the brand and the desired consistency. A common starting point is a 1:1 ratio (equal parts pouring medium and paint), but you may need to adjust this based on the thickness of your paint and the desired fluidity of your mixture. Experimentation is key here.

4. Mixing Process: Combine the acrylic paint and pouring medium in a mixing cup or container. Stir the mixture gently with a stir stick or palette knife until it's well combined and smooth. Avoid vigorous stirring to minimize introducing air bubbles.

5. Consistency Check: Test the consistency of your mixture by lifting your stirring utensil and observing how the paint falls off. The ideal consistency is similar to warm honey or melted ice cream – it should flow smoothly off the stick in a steady stream and leave a trail on the surface briefly before sinking.

6. Adjustments: If your mixture is too thick, add more pouring medium. If it's too thin, add more paint. Continue to adjust until you achieve the desired consistency.

7. Additives (Optional): Some artists like to add silicone oil or other additives to create cells and other interesting effects in their pour paintings. If you choose to use additives, mix them in gently at the end, being careful not to overmix.

8. Ready to Pour: Once your paint mixture is prepared, you're ready to pour! Experiment with different pouring techniques, layering colors, and tilting the canvas to create unique and beautiful acrylic pour paintings.

Acrylic pouring is all about experimentation and embracing unpredictability, so don't be afraid to try new things and have fun with the process!


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