Gears 5 Hivebuster DLC Campaign Collectible and Ability Upgrade Guide

Описание к видео Gears 5 Hivebuster DLC Campaign Collectible and Ability Upgrade Guide

Hey Gears! This video covers all the collectibles and ability upgrades for the DLC Hivebuster campaign! I hope you find it helpful!

Condor Pilot’s Cog Tags: 0:20
Kaliso Family Photograph: 0:29
Outsider Accolade: 0:49
Onyx Guard Helmet: 1:29

Citizen Intake Form: 1:30
Ultimate Ability Upgrade (Keegan – Explosive Ammo Resupply): 1:54
Missive to Prescott: 2:11
Ultimate Ability Upgrade (Mac – Barrier Duration): 2:27
Locust Burial Report: 3:12
Hydroponics Handbook: 3:39
Ultimate Ability Upgrade (Lahni – Electroblade Cooldown): 4:04
Sovereign Directive 34724: 4:28
Sanctum Welcome Brochure: 4:43
Ultimate Ability Upgrade (Keegan – Ammo Regeneration Rate): 5:25
Map of Sanctum: 5:25

Eiko’s Letter: 5:45
Ultimate Ability Upgrade (Mac – Barrier Touch Damage): 6:12
Fearsome Mask: 6:37
Ultimate Ability Upgrade (Lahni – Electroblade Chain): 6:53
Weilehan Incantation: 7:13
Ultimate Ability Upgrade (Keegan – Resupply Reduces Damage): 7:40
Ultimate Ability Upgrade (Lahni – Electroblade Duration): 7:55
The Journey: Carved Canoe: 8:10
Ultimate Ability Upgrade (Mac – Barrier Width): 8:19
The Spirit Walk: Carving: 8:32
The Fear: Amulet: 8:53

Melted Swarm Skull: 9:07

Weilehan Prayer Bowl: 9:26
Weilehan Wake Totem: 9:40
Ultimate Ability Upgrade (Lahni – Electroblade Stim): 9:56
Ultimate Ability Upgrade (Mac – Kills Extend Barrier Duration): 10:08
Silver Era Relic: 10:30
Ultimate Ability Upgrade (Keegan – Resupply Duration): 11:00
Message to Hoffman: 11:11
Graye’s Journal: 11:26

Gears of War 5 Collectible Playlist:    • Gears 5 Complete Collectible Guide Pl...  

Main Campaign:
Act I - Chapter 1:    • Gears 5 Act I Chapter 1: Collectibles...  
Act I – Chapter 2:    • Gears 5 Act I Chapter 2: Collectibles...  
Act I – Chapter 3:    • Gears 5 Act I Chapter 3: Collectibles...  
Act I – Chapter 4:    • Gears 5 Act I Chapter 4: Collectibles...  
Act II – Chapter 1:    • Gears 5 Act II Chapter 1: Collectible...  
Act II – Chapter 2:    • Gears 5 Act II Chapter 2: Collectible...  
Act II – Chapter 3:    • Gears 5 Act II Chapter 3: Collectible...  
Act II – Chapter 4:    • Gears 5 Act II Chapter 4: Collectible...  
Act II – Chapter 5:    • Gears 5 Act II Chapter 5: Collectible...  
Act III – Chapter 1:    • Gears 5 Act III Chapter 1: Collectibl...  
Act III – Chapter 2:    • Gears 5 Act III Chapter 2: Collectibl...  
Act III – Chapter 3:    • Gears 5 Act III Chapter 3: Collectibl...  
Act IV – Chapter 1:    • Gears 5 Act IV Chapter 1: Collectible...  

-Damron Out

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