drummer's focus Köln - recording session - Seaslide

Описание к видео drummer's focus Köln - recording session - Seaslide

Aufgenommen im drummer's focus Köln im Juli 2016. In Vorbereitung für die Jubiläumsfeier "11Y Heartbeat" am 1.11.2016 in der Kantine Köln
Hopevalleymusic Sound Machine präsentiert : "Seaslide"
Musik und Text : Heike Wendeler-Chemnitz

Vocals : Heike Wendeler-Chemnitz
Drums : Hans-Martin Chemnitz

Hopevalleymusic Sound Machine presents : "Seaslide"
Music and Lyrics : Heike Wendeler-Chemnitz
First Take - not played for nearly ten Years – recorded at drummer’s focus Köln
July 2016

Watch Out for the drum version -    • Seaslide drumsolo - check out the bon...  

Cymbals : Sabian HHX Stage Hats 14" - HHX Studio Crash 16" 18"
HHX Evolution Splash 12" - Ride not played
Microphones : Beyerdynamic Opus Series TG D 57, 58, 50, 70
Remo drumheads
Vic Firth sticks


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