St. John's, Newfoundland

Описание к видео St. John's, Newfoundland

Quick trip to Newfoundland! Had a wonderful time. Everyone we ran into was so friendly and welcoming. We were so lucky with the weather too. It was sunny and warm the whole time.
We did lots of driving to see the sites:
Bonavista (to see the famous lighthouse), Elliston (to see the puffins), Petty Harbour, Bay Bulls, Witless Bay.
Of course, we also explored a lot around St. John's too. Lots and lots of food, with so many great places to eat. Had some of the best fish & chips I've ever had.
If you ever have the chance to visit Newfoundland, do it! It's just beautiful there.

This entire video was shot using the iPhone 13 Pro (no stabilizer, no gimbal, no peripherals. Just hand-held)


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