White Worldbridger Dj Mix 852 hz

Описание к видео White Worldbridger Dj Mix 852 hz

Try to refine your own energy. Organize your life, your mind, your immediate surroundings and reflect on your actions. Try to face your shadows, that is, the flaws, weaknesses, imperfections or problems of your being that need correction, order and transcendence, because shadows are disguises that need to be worked on well. “Any strong reaction to a person or event signals a problem that needs to be worked on within yourself.” Cultivate clarity and your own truth. Be willing to face yourself and cultivate forgiveness. In this way you reflect your true self, which is pure light. Close your eyes and walk; Project yourself beyond this immediate cosmic order and structure and reach higher dimensions. As you return and open your eyes, may your being bring the reflection of the cosmic radiance of the rainbow light spectrum to activate harmony, eliminate all imperfections, let go and let go, forgive and forgive yourself so that you can only see the light reflect and see the light of yourself in others. This makes the Mayan expression “In Lak'ech” (I am the other you) more active.


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