CSIR NET | L-3| Role of FtsZ in Septum Formation | ZipA, FtsA, FtsW, FtsI | Z ring of Prokaryotes |

Описание к видео CSIR NET | L-3| Role of FtsZ in Septum Formation | ZipA, FtsA, FtsW, FtsI | Z ring of Prokaryotes |


1) This video will help U understand how FtsZ protein helps in Septum Formation in prokaryotes |
2a) FtsA, FtsW, ZipA and FtsI also play a key role in 'Z' ring formation |
2b) Divisome a multiprotein Complex |
3) 'Z' ring aids in bacterial Cytokinesis |
4) Cluster movement of FtsZ proteins |
5) Cooperative assembly of FtsZ protein |
6) Architecture of FtsZ protein |
7) Cross linking proteins ZapA, ZaC and ZapD |
8) GTPase activity of FtsZ protein


Z ring in bacteria | Formation of Z ring in bacteria | Z ring proteins in bacteria | Proteins responsible for Z ring formation | How the Z ring is formed in bacteria | How does the Z ring help in Septum formation | Z ring proteins | Role of FtsZ in Septum formation | Proteins involved in Septum Formation in prokaryotes | Septum formation in bacteria| Role of ZipA, FtsA, FtsW, FtsI in Z ring formation | ZapA, ZapC, ZapD in cross linking FtsZ filaments | Filamentation in bacteria | GTPase activity of FtsZ | Divisome machinery for Septum Formation | Divisome | Cytokinesis in bacteria

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#Shomu's Biology
#Replicating minds
#Perpetual Life Science
#unacademy CSIR UGC NET
#SuperCoaching CSIR NET & GATE Life Science
CSIR NET LIFE SCIENCES Pathfinder academy


#GTPase activity of FtsZ
#Filamentation and minicell formation
#Z ring
#Septum formation in prokaryotes
#ZipA and FtsA proteins
#FtsW and FtsI proteins
#Divisome assembly
#Cytoskeletal elements in prokaryotes
#FtsZ filaments
#FtsZ bundles
#Discontinuous Z ring
#Bacterial Cytokinesis
#Cytokinesis in prokaryotes
#Cluster movement of FtsZ bundles
#Cooperative Assembly of FtsZ
#ZapA, ZapC and ZapD proteins
#Cross linking of FtsZ filaments
#ftsZ mutants

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