Makers and Takers in the Global Economy | The Agenda

Описание к видео Makers and Takers in the Global Economy | The Agenda

Big pharma, Silicon Valley and the financial sectors are heralded as great value creators that drive technological innovation. However, economist Mariana Mazzucato ( argues they often artificially inflate or destroy existing value. In her new book “The Value of Everything,” Mazzucato calls for a rethink of who the makers and takers are in the global economy. She joins host Steve Paikin to discuss her latest book and the ideas of public value.

0:00 Intro
3:47 Excerpt from the book (defining value)
5:05 History of economic thought
7:37 Productivity and price
8:25 Rent as unearned income
9:10 Where is value created?
10:00 Pharmaceutical innovation and increased financialization
11:40 Public value
12:42 How to measure the value of government services and activity
14:25 Example of Tesla (socialize the cost privatize the profits)
19:50 When will these ideas be implemented?
22:13 Debt vs deficit debate
23:40 Countries to emulate


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