The aibo ERS1000 Patrol feature: Control movements and watch the live output from their nose camera!

Описание к видео The aibo ERS1000 Patrol feature: Control movements and watch the live output from their nose camera!

At a recent aibo discussion I was surprised to learn that many owners were unaware of the 'Patrol together' feature in aibo Patrol mode.

This feature allows you to control your aibo's movements left, right, backwards, forwards, strafe left and strafe right. In addition, you can order aibo to perform some simple tricks like "Bark", "Howl", "Salute" and "Alert", all the while watching the live streaming output from your aibo's nose camera. Additionally, you can move your aibos head to either side and, if the area is already mapped by aibo, you can have them go to a specific spot using map navigation (not shown in this video).

In this video I demonstrate some of the "Patrol together' features while showing the Myaibo app display alongside the live action movements of my able assistant, Mercedes.

Please notice the delay from sending the command to the aibo until the aibo actually executes the command. It can vary between 1 and 3 seconds!


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