Hair growth and bikini body challenge 2016

Описание к видео Hair growth and bikini body challenge 2016


Scalp massager

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Original Price: $40
Discount Price: $20

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You must select a henna treatment of choice, use a DIY growth oil and take MSM (OPTIONAL)

Level 1 Use growth oil twice a week
Level 2 Use oil 3 times a week along side henna treatment and MSM (optional)
Level 3 Use oil 4 times a week Use oil 3 times a week along side henna treatment and MSM (optional)

Bikini Body Challenge
You may choose to go Paleo or Simply eat clean
Level 1 Work out once a week
Level 2 Work out twice a week
Level 3 Work out 3 Times a week
Levlel 4 work out 4 plus times a week

People often ask me how I grew my hair long. Whilst TLC played an important role growth aids did too. I want us to use some of my favorite tips for growing hair in a challenge and get our Bikini body right in the process through clean eating. Nutrition is key for everything including growing long hair.


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