Why do we get Canker Sores (ulcers)? + more videos |

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Canker sores are painful ulcers that form inside our mouth. Although no one exactly knows what gives rise to canker sores, researchers suspect that they are caused by a combination of factors which include mouth injuries, spicy and acidic foods, chocolates, stress, hormonal changes, deficiency of Vitamin B-12, etc.

But do you know how these sores are formed?

According to a study, our immune system is responsible for these painful sores. When we get an injury, our immune cells release a messenger protein called tumor necrosis factor alpha. One of the functions of this messenger protein is to kill damaged cells around the injured area. However, in case of canker sores, the immune cells produce excess tumor necrosis factor alpha, which begins to kill the surrounding healthy cells as well, causing inflammation and thus, creating a canker sore.


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