Speech Act Theory -- Locutionary, Illocutionary & Perlocutionary Acts -- Felicity Conditions

Описание к видео Speech Act Theory -- Locutionary, Illocutionary & Perlocutionary Acts -- Felicity Conditions

In this video, we're going to be learning about Speech Act Theory. This theory is important for understanding how language works, and it can be applied to a variety of different situations.

We're going to be focusing on the three types of acts that are covered by Speech Act Theory: Locutionary, Illocutionary, and Perlocutionary Acts. We'll also be looking at the Felicity Conditions that must be met for each type of act to be successful. Overall, this video will help you understand language and how it works, in both practical and theoretical ways.

This video describes one of the concepts of pragmatics, i.e., speech act theory. It explains in detail three forces such as locutionary, illocutionary & perlocutionary. It also describes the role of felicity conditions with the help of day-to-day examples.
#Speech Act Theory


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