RoadKill ZipTie Drags 2020

Описание к видео RoadKill ZipTie Drags 2020

RoadKill ZipTie Drags 2020
BrunDown Ep 103

In this episode I load up the Maliboom and drag it all the way to Tuscon AZ form my home in So Cal to see if I can redeem myself against the notorious F Bum. For those of you that are not failure with the F Bum I raced him last year at LS Fest West and lost. I asked if he would run it back at ZipTie Drags 2020 and here we are. The Maliboom is running well after welding up the intercooler I blew out on the dyno a few weeks ago. Now its time to put all that hard work to good use and see what she can do. So stick around and lets have some fun as I put the Maliboom through its paces in pursuit of a few W's, some redemption, and maybe a personal best time or three in a row..... who knows.

Thanks for watching.

Thumbnail Photo By:
John Schultz
IG @just_only_john and YouTube: Johns Junk

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