Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age - Rare Game: Juggernaut

Описание к видео Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age - Rare Game: Juggernaut

Location: Feywood, White Magick's Embrace. Spawn: Apparently, it appears when your in-game timer is between X:00 and X:10 minutes.

My party setup:
Vaan: Black Mage / Monk
Balthier: Shikari / Foebreaker (Adrammelech, Zalera)
Fran: Time Battlemage / Uhlan
Basch: Knight / Bushi (Belias, Mateus, Exodus)
Ashe: Red Battlemage / Archer (Cúchulainn, Zeromus)
Penelo: White Mage / Machinist

This is the Steam version of Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age.

Playlist:    • Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age  


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