CORONIL KIT Review after Use | Keise Use Kare | In Hindi | Side Effects | Baba Ramdev Medicine

Описание к видео CORONIL KIT Review after Use | Keise Use Kare | In Hindi | Side Effects | Baba Ramdev Medicine

In this video i am going give review of Patanjali coronil Kit. We will discuss about its benefits and uses, Ingredients, Kit Details, Side effects, how to use and all about its price, expiry and all.

Coronil kit has three medicines Coronil Tablet, Swasari Vati and anu taila. This medicine is very useful in for all type of respiratory illnesses, like asthma, shortness of breath, cough, cold, fever, nosal congestion and prevention from corona virus.

This coronil medicine is the ayurvedic baba ramdev medicine for prevention from corona virus and effective in reducing cough and cold. I have included my personal experience and review of this product after use. This video is in Hindi language.
Coronil Patanjali Kit has many more benefits. View complete video

Coronil Kit Buy Link:

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All the Health tips or medicine tips provided in this channel videos are only for educational purpose and should not be taken as medical alternative or expert advice. The source of information of this channel are internet, Traditional Ayurvedic Books & Believes and experience of user.
Please consult your doctor or health practitioner before taking any type of medicine.
The tips provided here may or may not be suitable for all . Provided Health tips and medicine differs to different body types & Disease condition. This channel is not responsible for any misinterpretation or misuse of any medicine.


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