The Yak-23 Experience - War Thunder Kill Montage

Описание к видео The Yak-23 Experience - War Thunder Kill Montage

I'm really sorry that this video took so long to be made, a bit after I started making the video I could barely play the planes I enjoyed because of how the economy was at the time so I was just losing SL playing them and that made me stop playing, I only started properly playing the game again this month after gaijin fixed the economy so now I can actually have fun in the game again. The next video won't take nearly as long cause I'm now motivated again!
The Yak-23 is a very fun but tricky plane to play, it is slow af for it's br but turns ridiculously well, the guns are amazing when they don't spark, uptiers are painful but kinda doable.

The match at the end of the video is a 6 kill game with a 3v1 at the end.
Last match in the video:    • War Thunder -  6 kill game in the Yak-23  
Song used:    • ばかばっか / 鷹嶺ルイ(official)  
English lyrics taken from:    • Takane Lui - Fools Fools Fools (Baka ...  


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