Toothbrush Challenge, FIGHT!! (BURST vs. Sonicare vs. Oral-B Manual)

Описание к видео Toothbrush Challenge, FIGHT!! (BURST vs. Sonicare vs. Oral-B Manual)

A REAL toothbrush challenge and review. I'm not some toothbrush ambassador, I just want some white teeth!

So I recently became interested in getting an electric toothbrush. A few years back I had an electric Oral-B that I loved but it broke and I never replaced it. I was always curious about the Sonicare line of toothbrushes but didn't want to fork over $200.

Amazon recently had their "Prime Day" which has lots of goodies at really discounted prices. One of the featured items on sale was the Sonicare DiamondClean. It's normally $199 and was on sale for $99. So I ordered one. After ordering it I decided to search for YouTube vids on it and saw many comparison videos. That's where I came to learn about BURST.

Now BURST has a ton of videos and challenges on YouTube from said ambassadors. One of the most interesting videos from those challenges involves a corn on the cob with coffee grounds. It really makes sense if you think about it. The corn and crevices really mimic a human mouth.

I just WAS NOT sold on the authenticity of these videos because they were so biased towards the BURST. Another thing I've seen is people putting electric toothbrushes in water to see the head action and how it affects the water. I will say on the record, the Sonicare DiamondClean splashes water EVERYWHERE and seems to have more sonic vibrations than the BURST. does that translate into actual cleaning. So here we go.

P.S. OHH another thing. The manual did clean very well. I put real-world pressure when I used the manual that I DID NOT with the electric toothbrushes. I think that's a fair way to test the brush and in all the BURST challenge vids I don't think that was the case.



Sonicare DiamondClean -

Oral-B Pro-Health All-In-One (Manual Toothbrush) -

VIDEO CORRECTIONS - I constantly referred to the Sonicare DiamondClean as DiamondCare. I also I tested it on the "whitening" setting, not the fictional clean setting :p

Oh and I'm a pretty awesome fashion photographer so feel free to visit my site -


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