アトランタ五輪男子柔道78kg級準決勝 古賀稔彦vs趙麟徹(韓国)

Описание к видео アトランタ五輪男子柔道78kg級準決勝 古賀稔彦vs趙麟徹(韓国)


2:40 と 6:10 に古賀選手が手を気にする、それらしきシーンあり。

8:35 敗れた趙選手、礼・握手を拒否し不服そうに退場。

1996 Atlanta Olympic Games Judo Men's 78kg class Semifinals
Toshihiko Koga(Japan) vs Cho In Chul(South Korea)

Koga faces Cho for the first time.
Cho did not match Koga in the technique.
And Cho pushed Koga to the tatami mat from the top and took the strategy to individualize a defensive style of Koga.
Furthermore, Cho was going to push Koga like Sumo outside a tatami mat.

2:40 and 6:10
Cho bit a hand of Koga.(Koga testified in a magazine)

Cho lost after all. And refused bow and the handshake after the game. It is an act in violation of sportsmanship.


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