How to Determine the Right-of-Way to Pass a Road Test and Stopping

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Do you know what to do when you are faced with a complex traffic situation on your road test? Watch the video. PASS YOUR ROAD TEST FIRST TIME CHECKLIST: SUBSCRIBE TODAY! ►    / smartdrivetest  

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Hi there smart drivers. Rick with Smart Drive Test talking to you today about right-of-way and stopping when in doubt on a road test.

Now one of the things that I tell students on road tests in terms of right-of-way, even though you have the right-of-way doesn't mean that you can go.

Because the right-of-way is always given, it's never taken.
So if another vehicle is going to push through and go forward, do not go because you're going to risk a crash.

As well, remember you can be right or you can be 'dead right'.

Because if you go because you think that you have the right of way and the other vehicle should give way to you, they may or may not.

And remember, failing to give the right-of-way to other traffic on the roadway is one of the top reasons for crashes.

So it's better to stop and wait and let the other traffic proceed - the other road user go and then proceed.

And finally, I caught this on dashcam here at this intersection behind me...There are other road users there and I just simply stopped and waited, even though when I came up to the intersection--as you'll see in the footage here--I had the green light.

I could have gone, but there was a vehicle around the corner that had stopped and pulled up on the sidewalk; there was a pedestrian; and there was a vehicle in the intersection making a left-hand turn.

All of that created a complex traffic situation where I simply stopped and I waited and I figured out what the other road users were doing before I proceeded.

And I got eye contact with the pedestrian on the side of the road before I proceeded around the corner on the right-hand turn.

So without further ado, let's go to that footage.

And now we're going to turn right at the next intersection here. You can see the solid line. Now you cannot cross into the bicycle lane.

So you've got to go right up to the corner. And of course this guy's pulling up onto the sidewalk here.

And I just waved that guy on because he was sort of sitting in the intersection and the light was going yellow to red.

And I've got a pedestrian here.

And I don't know whether the pedestrian's going or not. No, okay. And that's what you do if you're not sure.

And as you saw I waited right until I got to the intersection. You almost have to do a 90-degree turn there to not deviate into the bicycle lane because of that solid white line.

You cannot deviate into that bicycle lane. And as you saw there, I wasn't sure what other people were doing.

So you saw that I just stopped and I waited. And that's what you have to do for the purposes of a road test.

If you're the least bit unsure of what other road users are doing, just stop and wait for them to clear, or for them to get eye contact with you to ensure that you're going to be safe.

That you're not going to go around there and that pedestrians going to step out.

And she got eye contact with me and sort of nodded that I could go then I proceeded around the intersection.

As well, the other guy that was turning - he was already sort of committed - his vehicle was turned slightly so I didn't turn in front of him because it's a defensive move on my part that I was waiting to see what that driver was going to do.


Quick review of right-of-way on a road test.

If you're in the least bit of doubt in any traffic situation, particularly at complex intersections like this one behind me here simply stop and wait for the other road users to clear the intersection.

And then proceed and make sure that if there's a pedestrian or cyclist or some other road user on a scooter or whatnot that you get eye contact with them.

Because remember, you can be right or you can be dead right.

And as well, the right-of-way is always given, it is not taken.

If you take the right-of-way and expect other road users to give you the right-of-way you're going to be in a very high-risk situation where you could be involved in a crash.

Because failing to give the right-of-way or failing to yield is one of the top reasons for crashes.

Good luck on your road test!


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