Xinjiang, China reaps a bumper cotton harvest in 2021 | 2021年中國新疆棉花大豐收

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Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region reaped a bumper cotton harvest in 2021, with better yield and quality than in the previous year.

Cotton from more than 2 million hectares across Xinjiang had been purchased by factories by the end of 2021.

With unique natural conditions, Xinjiang is the largest high-quality cotton production base in China and an important cotton producer in the world.

According to the China Fiber Quality Monitoring Center, the cotton produced in Xinjiang in 2021 was better in color, fiber length and fracture ratio strength than in 2020.

Cotton harvest mechanization in 2021 was over 90 percent in the northern part and nearly 80 percent in the southern part.

Cotton yield in Xinjiang averaged 2,045.42 kg per hectare, which was 153.82 kg per hectare higher than the national average. The region accounts for 89.5 percent of the country's total cotton output.

The cotton planting acreage in Xinjiang in 2021 reached 2.5 million hectares, accounting for 82.8 percent of the national planting area.


到 2021 年底,工廠已經購買了新疆超過 200 萬公頃的棉花。




新疆棉花平均單產2045.42公斤/公頃,高於全國平均水平153.82公斤/公頃。該地區佔全國棉花總產量的 89.5%。


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