Best way to learn languages is learning them simultaneously - Eleni Gaqo | PGO 2023

Описание к видео Best way to learn languages is learning them simultaneously - Eleni Gaqo | PGO 2023

"How about you master this language first before you start learning a new one?" If you are a language-aficionado, chances are you get this comment all the time. You can't help it if you're too excited to get started onto the next language, even if you haven't achieved fluency in your current one, and I get it! But what if I told you that learning new foreign languages simultaneously might actually be more effective than learning them one at a time? In this talk, I will share my personal experience with learning languages simultaneously through the compare-and-contrast method: How did I learn 7 languages? What are some challenges I faced using this technique? Why and to whom would I recommend this method? Who should likely not adopt this approach? How should one go about this successfully?

Eleni is a polyglot speaking English, Greek, Albanian, German, Spanish, Italian, and French. She is a person of many interests, two of which are cultures and foreign languages. With two Bachelors' and a Master's, Eleni strongly believes in the power of knowledge and values education, diversity, and inclusivity. She is of the opinion that foreign languages bring people together and enable us to understand and appreciate the world in new ways.

This video was recorded at the Polyglot Gathering Online 2023 (


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