How to get past someone not trusting you?

Описание к видео How to get past someone not trusting you?

Trust is built through consistent, positive actions over time. If you’ve made mistakes, it’s essential to demonstrate reliability and consistency. If I hurt you, I have to demonstrate I won't hurt you again. But, chances are I might down the road. We cannot expect perfection from anyone. But we can expect 80-90% of the time for them to act in very trustworthy ways.

At the same time, the other person might have trust issues that started well before this relationship. So both partners must look inward at their own trust issues—whether from past experiences or family dynamics.

Working through these challenges together can strengthen your partnership.

When you can both repair broken trust, the relationship often gets stronger, not weaker.

If you want to learn how to communicate in a way that builds trust and respect, together, Try my 30 day course for individuals or couples here.
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