Analysis of Bangle Sellers by Sarojini Naidu

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Hello Everyone and Welcome to Beaming Notes. Today we are going to do an Analysis of Bangle Sellers by Sarojini Naidu.

Voice-Over and Narration : Anushree Sen

Naidu’s poetry is best known for her use of imagery and contemporary Indian themes. Among her other poems, this poem stands out as a social message that not only discusses the lives of Indian women but also the lives of bangle sellers. Although the poem focuses extensively on the stages in the life of women, it portrays the lives of the bangle sellers as well. Not once is the poverty or the hardship of their vocation mentioned in the poem save the ‘shining loads’, which denotes the heaviness of the bangles. The bangle seller employs a joyful voice which makes us forget that their livelihoods depend on the sale of these bangles. The women in their lives are all portrayed as happy, probably because the happiness of the bangle-seller relies upon the happiness of these women. In a nutshell, their livelihood depends on these bangles and thus, they must be presented as tokens of happiness.

The poem progresses step by step as if it is passing through each phase of the life of a woman with her. The first stanza relates to us the premise of the poem. The second stanza focuses on maidenhood. By maidenhood Naidu means virginity. Thus, the colours chosen by her represent purity like the blue and silver mist of mountains, shades of pink of yet to blossom flowers or the clear dew drops on new born leaves.

This has connotations to new beginnings and the promise of life. The third stanza talks about a woman who is about to become a bride. The colour chosen in this group is a lively yellow that represents the hope she has for her future and also her happiness. The imagery used here is energetic and lively like corn fields bathed in sunlight. The second part of this stanza portrays the love a new bride has for her husband. Naidu chooses the apt colour scheme of reds and oranges. The ‘flame’ Naidu talks about has sexual connotations to it. It is a euphemism for the consummation of her marriage with her husband.

The fourth stanza talks about the pride of a woman who has lived girlhood and bride-hood and motherhood and earned a position as a matriarch. It is the phase in her life when her struggles have borne fruit. Therefore, this stanza has the air of royalty and pride etched in it. That is why the colours chosen to describe the bangles for a matriarch are purple and gold. The specks of grey add the touch of maturity that comes with age.

However, critics have questioned Naidu’s portrayal of women in stereotyped boxes in this poem. Her poem discusses only three categories in a woman’s life -- maidenhood, wife-hood and motherhood. On one hand, the poem fails to recognize other areas of a woman’s life, where women have an independent identity, one which is free from restricting labels made by a patriarchal society. Even when Naidu talks about a woman bearing children, she mentions only boys. Perhaps, the role model for this poem was a
specific woman she knew. But on the other hand, she writes a poem that has strong sexual connotations. It is also probable that this is an ironic take on the lives of women during the time she was writing this poem. Naidu was instrumental in encouraging women empowerment. She encouraged women to get involved in the freedom movement against colonial rule. She herself was a big part of the movement and became the President of the INC. it could have been her way of speaking out against patriarchal constraints in ironic terms.

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