The three quick groundwork exercises WILL relax and focus your horse!

Описание к видео The three quick groundwork exercises WILL relax and focus your horse!

When your horse is relaxed and focused on the ground, it will transfer over into the riding. I am a huge believer in groundwork, and adding just a few simple exercises to your routine will make a huge difference in your ride!

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00:00 Introduction to video
00:55 Why Groundwork is Important
01:35 First Exercise
04:40 Second Exercise
06:03 Bend and Yield

In this week's video I’m going to give you three exercises that you should do with your horse every single time you take them out! These will establish boundaries, reinforce connection, and make sure that your horse is always listening to you for the next move, NOT making that decision themselves!

Transitions on the ground

This is simply just making sure that your horse walks when you walk, and stops when you stop. If you back up your horse should back up too. Practice this and see does your horse comply? They should be following your energy and watching for what you are doing. Practice this around the farm and try keeping yourself between your horse’s head and shoulders. Lead your horse forward with your right hand and when you want to stop, raise your left hand. Eventually, they will associate the hand movements with the commands. 

Poll Release

This is important for bridling, and helping your horse relax. When your horse lowers their head they relax. You start with your hand on the poll and also on the bit. Place downward pressure and as soon as their head comes down, reward them by releasing the pressure. Over time you continuously practice this until all you have to do is place your hand on the poll and the horse will drop their head down. Any time I feel my horses get externalized , I practice this to calm them down. 

Bend and Yield

This is where we ask the horse with the inside rein to bend their body to the inside and get the inside hindleg to cross over the front of the outside hindleg. This creates suppleness and relaxation throughout their body and if you have the horse’s body relaxed, their mind will be more relaxed. 

Have a look at this video where I demonstrate these. These are crucial exercises for helping you be more connected and in control of your horse and your relationship will benefit from implementing them daily. If you like this video please share it. 

Thanks for watching

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