Amazing Mitsubishi Exterior Observation Elevators at Pan Pacific Singapore

Описание к видео Amazing Mitsubishi Exterior Observation Elevators at Pan Pacific Singapore

Originally installed in 1985-1986 by Mitsubishi. These beautiful elevators serves the upper floors of the hotel, with a stunning view of downtown Singapore! They are identical to the internal elevators except these ones have LED ceiling indicators.

Sadly, Hai Tien Lo (which is a public restaurant) has moved from the top floor to the 3rd floor. The top floor has been occupied by the Pacific Club, so access without a keycard above 22 is no longer possible.

*Wishes a Merry Christmas!

Capacity: 23 Persons/1565kg
Floors served: 1-4, 22, 23-35, 38* (19 floors)
Year installed / modernized: 1985-1986 / ?
History: Modernized by 9G Elevators
(*) Keycard required

Ride quality: 10 / 10

Camera: Nikon Coolpix S800C
Taken date: November 30, 2015

(C) 2015 IDLift3000 Productions


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