Bombora mWave™ - Advancing a Sustainable Energy Future

Описание к видео Bombora mWave™ - Advancing a Sustainable Energy Future

The energy transition demands transformational thinking and innovation. Watch to find out how mWave will play its part in tomorrows sustainable energy future.

Bombora’s mission is to develop a reliable, robust and cost-efficient electricity source, unlocking the environmental and economic potential held within our oceans and seas.

Bombora’s mWave™ product, presents a new approach to capturing energy from the ocean. Unlike most other wave energy devices, it sits below the surface of the water, where it captures multi megawatts of energy from the pressure of the waves above.

Bombora’s 1.5MW mWave Pembrokeshire Demonstration Project is part funded with £10.3 million from the European Regional Development Fund through the Welsh Government.
Find out more about Bombora on our website at


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