7 Tips To Write a WINNING Grant Proposal

Описание к видео 7 Tips To Write a WINNING Grant Proposal

Writing grant proposals can feel overwhelming, defeating, and just plain stressful. However, it doesn't need to feel that way when writing a grant proposal.

When you understand the basic grant writing structure, then you start to:
✨ Put grants together more quickly
✨ Feel more confident when starting the grant writing process
✨ Start to see your grant award success rate improve

Follow these simple steps to write a grant to eliminate overwhelm, defeat, and stress!

✔️ ​Step #1 Grant Proposal Process - Get the FOA/RFP
Find out if your nonprofit is even eligible to apply for a grant application.
Some things to watch out for:
✨ required deadlines,
✨ formatting requirements, and
✨ mandated attachments

✔️ Step #2 Grant Proposal Process - Research the Needs and Design a Problem Statement

Without a compelling problem statement, your grant application may be denied.

️✔️ S️tep #3 Grant Proposal Process - Articulate the Goal

What is the overarching result that you want from the program your nonprofit develops?
What is the ultimate result you want to achieve?

✔️ Step #4 Grant Proposal Process - Narrow the Objectives

Now that you understand the ultimate end-result (i.e., goal), you have to create a pathway to reach that goal.

Objectives are what can help you reach your goal.

✔️ Step #5 Grant Proposal Process - Timeline Your Activities/Tasks

Now that you have your objective, how are you going to ensure that it is reached?

By creating a timeline of all activities!

✔️ Step #6 Grant Proposal Process - Strategic Budget

Create a strategic budget that includes every element from your objectives! Don't forget anything in your budget that is in your grant application.

✔️ Step #7 Grant Proposal Process - Submit Early

Remember, it is so important to not have the grant application deadline YOUR deadline.

Pick a couple of days before (at the very least) to be your deadline.

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If you are new to the grant writing world, whether you have your own nonprofit or small business or are working for a nonprofit that has asked you to add grant writing to your To Do list, we have a ton of resources for you. A great place to start is our Write Better Grants Playlist:
   • Write Better Grants  

Or pick up our free grant writing course AND workbook at:

Maybe you want to skip the freebies and launch right into all of the skills that you need to be a successful grant writer from Day 1? Holly Rustick, host of the Grant Writing and Funding Podcast, walks you through the process, step by step in the Beginner’s Guide to Grant Writing Master Course:


Do you already have experience with grant writing and find yourself falling in love with the the idea of the freedom that accompanies working from home or your favorite cafe and want to make a full career out of it? Check out Holly’s Freelance Grant Writing Course. Grant Writer’s Guide to Freelancing: Get Paid to Write Better Grants!

Or perhaps you’re really ready to COMMIT yourself to the freedom of a SUCCESSFUL career in freelance grant writing and want the shortest and most direct path to success? Holly runs a mentorship program that opens applications a few times a year. Check out the comments or the website for more info on that.

Thanks for watching! Like, subscribe for our weekly releases and ask questions, we’re here to support you in helping the world while curating the life you want to lead.


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