Why Fake Tough Guys Fail Miserably When Things Get Real

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Why Fake Tough Guys Fail Miserably When Things Get Real

In this latest installment, we have several classic examples of tough guys with more bark than bite getting humbled when things get real.

First up is a clip from a boxing/MMA fight where the muscled up, tattooed pugilist tries to intimidate his much smaller Asian opponent with an over the top show of bravado pre-fight. Flash forward to the actual bout and it's clear who the real fighter is as the Asian boxer calmly dismantles the showboating loudmouth.

Next, we see an even quicker knockout of a fighter who looked incredibly confident and imposing right up until he got dropped by a single punch. Talk about a fall from grace!

The following clip features a cocky Kung Fu instructor who butts heads with MMA fighter Morrison Butler after offering unsolicited advice during one of his students' fights. After challenging Butler at his own gym, the Kung Fu master learns an important lesson when he ends up tapping out in embarrassingly quick fashion.

We then see a supposed Tai Chi master taking on an amateur boxer, only to get battered around the ring and exposed as a complete fraud. It's an increasingly common occurrence seeing traditional martial arts masters unable to back up their boastful claims against modern MMA and boxing fighters.

Kudos to the hefty Kung Fu fighter who shows impressive toughness fending off a flurry of strikes from ex-UFC star Nam Phan in the next video, even if the fight mostly devolved into a slugfest by the end.

The arrogant smack talker in the next clip suffers a similar fate, getting unceremoniously taken down and pummeled after a promising start. The beaten fighter's "bark was worse than his bite" as they say.

Things get more controversial in the clips that follow, starting with a viral 2017 fight between a "Mad Dog" style fighter and Wei Lei, promoted as an elite Tai Chi master from Chinese TV. Wei's crushing defeat reignited debate over the efficacy of traditional martial arts in the modern era of MMA.

Even more peculiar is a fight clip that MMA fighter Peter Irvin revealed was choreographed for a kung fu tribute video, despite the Tai Chi master involved trying to pass it off as legitimate.

We wrap up with some bonus cringe from a guy losing his cool after realizing he's being recorded, as well as a stubborn kid refusing to give up his seat on a train for an elderly passenger.

Those were some epic tough guy fails!


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