GLOBAL ART FORUM 8: 1955-2055: A Documenta Century

Описание к видео GLOBAL ART FORUM 8: 1955-2055: A Documenta Century

DISCUSSION: 1955-2055: A Documenta Century

The first edition of documenta took place in Kassel, Germany, in 1955. It focused on the "Degenerate" modern art banned during the Nazi era. Over its subsequent six decades, documenta shifted focus to contemporary Western art and then expanded its geographic horizons, some might say, mirroring the globalization of the world, to become the era-defining event it is today.

Catherine David (Art historian and independent curator), Okwui Enwezor (Director, Haus der Kunst and Director of the Visual Arts Sector of the 56th Biennale di Venezia, 2015), Adam Szymczyk (Director, Kunsthalle Basel and Artistic Director of documenta 14, 2017). Hosted by Hans Ulrich Obrist (Curator, Co-director of Exhibitions and Programmes and Director of International Projects, Serpentine Gallery)

This session was part of Art Dubai's Global Art Forum 8. More information at


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