Attractive older women over 60 | tips to becoming a charismatic person # tips 01

Описание к видео Attractive older women over 60 | tips to becoming a charismatic person # tips 01

Here are some steps to becoming a charismatic person.
. Build Self-Confidence Love yourself Before expecting other people to love you, you must be able to love yourself first. Maybe not many people know how to love themselves. You can start by recognizing your strengths, talents and various strengths. By focusing on the positive aspects of yourself, self-doubt will disappear by itself

. Have a Positive Mindset A positive attitude attracts people closer to you. Fight all negative thoughts that arise with something opposite. Take advantage of every failure as an opportunity to learn and become better. To start building a positive mindset, write down the things you are grateful for every day

Wear Appropriate Clothing The way you dress reflects how you feel about yourself, and determines what others think of you. Wear clothes that make you feel happy every day. Choose clothes that fit you, are comfortable, with patterns and colors that will make you look good. Don't follow current clothing trends if they don't fit or are comfortable for you. Remember Your Success When you are not confident, remembering past successes is a way to make you optimistic again. By imagining success, the brain will release the hormone oxytocin which can make you feel optimistic and happy.

Join a Personality Class There are many ways you can increase your self-confidence, one of which is by taking a personality class to increase your self-confidence. You can take classes like this online, or through groups on social media. This way you will find the confidence to appear in public but still be yourself.


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