四川彭州川菜老店,麻辣藿香鲫鱼,鲜嫩绍子豆腐,阿星吃叮叮糖Street food in Pengzhou, Sichuan

Описание к видео 四川彭州川菜老店,麻辣藿香鲫鱼,鲜嫩绍子豆腐,阿星吃叮叮糖Street food in Pengzhou, Sichuan

Not far from Longxing Temple, a landmark building in Pengzhou, Sichuan, there is an old Sichuan restaurant on Longta Road. Although it is a small restaurant, it is very popular during meal time, and there are diners sitting under the big tree. Spicy Huoxiang fish, Ganyao Hechao, Shaozi tofu, braised fat intestines, and the special Shaocai soup are all classic local Sichuan dishes. Axing also ate Ding Ding Candy that was sold in the streets.


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