Jupiter 2 Engine Sounds aka Hickey's Spaceship - The Derelict Jup2com

Описание к видео Jupiter 2 Engine Sounds aka Hickey's Spaceship - The Derelict Jup2com

Jupiter 2 Engine Sound Effects - Lost In The Mists Of Time
How Were Those Turbine Sounds Created For The Jupiter 2's Engines?
Does Anyone Know For Sure?

Circa 2005 Jup2com

One of the most frequent question I hear regarding the Jupiter 2 from Lost In Space is "What was used to make the engine sounds of the Jupiter 2" ? Well, I do not know. No one else I have spoken with can say 100 percent for sure , but there are several theories.

I was fortunate to happen upon unexpectedly, a Sound Tech Editor who worked at Fox, after LIS , in the late 1970's & 1980's named David Ice. I was talking with David about an old script of a proposed LIS Reunion movie from back in the early 1980's and he happened to mention then that he used to be a sound tech at Fox years ago. The most fortunate thing was that David is a BIG Lost In Space fan himself! So of course David also wondered the same thing as other fans - exactly how did they create those engine sounds and what were they?

Well , David was able to search around the Fox Audio Archive Dept. back in the 80's and talk to some of the folks still at Fox who had worked on LIS during it's run trying to solve this little mystery. While eventually finding the audio tracks in the archives , with the only reference being "Hickey's Spaceship" , everyone he asked there were unable to tell him how these sound effects were created for LIS.

David shared with me his educated "best guess" as a Fox Sound Editor ,on how the effect was created for LIS. To read David's remarks click the link below.

Click Here To Read More on this posting from 2005 AND David Ice's Comments On The Sound FX via Jup2.com & The Wayback Machine: https://web.archive.org/web/200512271...

Present day 2023 - NOTE That this was posted/last updated back in September 2005.

In 2006-2007 I received an email from Don Hall Jr. in response to this page on my site. I never posted it/updated the site because I had given it up in 2005. I no longer have any of the sites emails as back then I used a Hotmail account . who's service has long since ended and been purged and is now known as Microsoft Outlook.

Unfortunately I have no documentation of his email and I do not recall the details. I do believe he confirmed the theory that theremins were used in the making of this particular sound effects.

Also note that I do not have a copy of the 20th Century Fox memo
detailing the sound effects used for the " Time Tunnel " , of which many were also used in Lost In Space that Jay Fruet and NeoLASE mention. I do not recall it at all and it wasn't saved by The Wayback Machine on my site.

Who is this David Ice? https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0406675/?...

Who is this Don Hall Jr.? https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0355249/

Who is Hickey's Spaceship Ralph B Hickey? https://m.imdb.com/name/nm0382663/?re...

If David, Jay, NeoLASE or any others are still out there , feel free to drop me an email via the contact on this youtube channel.


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