Dark Side of The Moon Combined Cut | Speak to Me - Brain Damage - Eclipse

Описание к видео Dark Side of The Moon Combined Cut | Speak to Me - Brain Damage - Eclipse

This video is a combination cut of three animations I created for Pink Floyd's The Dark Side of the Moon 50th Anniversary Animation Competition in 2023. Much of the animations are hand-drawn and syncronised to three Pink Floyd songs; Speak To Me, Brain Damage, Eclipse.

Several overarching socio-political themes and narratives are intertwined throughout. During the sequences for Brain Damage, scenes of climate protesters are drawn from real life documentation of protests I attended in Brisbane at the end of 2019, just before the Black Summer bushfires. Addressing the overwhelimg issue of climate change and inaction felt apt for this song, with it being so easy to be swallowed up in feelings of hopelessness and frustration. However, I also wanted to shine a light on how imagination, creativity and art can be used in activism - to imagine and create a better future.

A large amount of the animations have been drawn frame-by-frame in Photoshop and then edited in Adobe After Effects. In character scenes, I've manually rotoscoped frames from live-action footage, nearly all of which I recorded personally. Certain background environments and elements in the animation are 3D rendered, with drawings layered over the top. The majority of the 3D modelling created by myself using Blender, while a few assets were purchased.

Software used:
○ Adobe After Effects
○ Adobe Photoshop
○ Blender

Artist Statement
My interest in animation can be traced back to my early exposure to Gerald Scarfe's animated creations for Pink Floyd's "The Wall" (thanks to my dad's enthusiastic fandom). As I've matured, I've come to realise the profound impact that "The Wall" animations have had on my art practice. It has been a pleasure to work on this animation and feel like I am giving a little back to something that has had such an impact on my life. Participating in this competition has reignited my passion for animating and has equipped me with new valuable skills and knowledge. The connection with my initial inspiration has made this creative endeavour all the more meaningful.

Artist Bio
Lauren Edmonds (b. 1993) is a multimedia artist living and working in Queensland Australia. They completed a Bachelor of Fine Art with Class I Honours at the Queensland College of Art, Griffith University in 2015. Edmonds’ work often deals with socio-political subjects with the intent to incite a critical engagement with viewers or participants. They work in a variety of media including: drawing, animation, installation and object making. As their art practice has developed, Edmonds fosters a growing interest in creating interactive artworks and mixing technology with the handmade.

Website 🡆 http://www.laurenedmonds.com/
Instagram 🡆   / lauren_edmonds_artist  
Facebook 🡆   / profile.php  


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