Guang Liang 王光良 & Jiang Mei Qi 江 美琪 - I Have Feelings For You 對你有感覺

Описание к видео Guang Liang 王光良 & Jiang Mei Qi 江 美琪 - I Have Feelings For You 對你有感覺

對你有感覺 (Duì Nĭ Yŏu Găn Jué)

王光良 Guang Liang (Michael Wong)
江美琪 Jiāng Mĕi Qí (Maggie Chiang)

美琪:我曾深刻体会 对爱感到胆怯 还好有懂我的你给我安慰
I have deeply experienced before the fear towards love. Luckily, I have you who understands me, who can give me comfort.
光良:看你失落的脸 又在为爱憔悴 我心痛的感觉竟如此的强烈
Looking at your despondent face, you are gaunt and pallid because of love again. The pain in my heart is unexpectedly strong.

*美琪:眼角的泪 它给过谁
The tear at the corner of the eye, for whom was it shed?
光良:伤透了心 也无所谓
Even if severly hurt, that doesn’t matter.
美琪:我会愿意 静静的 陪在你身边
I am willing to, quietly, stay by your side.
光良:如果说爱 已不可为
If love can no longer be.
美琪:那我宁愿 藏心里面
Then I’m willing to secret it within my heart.
合唱:其实我害怕会失去你的感觉 哦~哦~
Actually, I’m afraid of the feeling of losing you. Oh…oh

美琪:怎麽会开始对你有了 感觉
How did I start to have feelings toward you?
光良:又深怕朋友默契转身 不见
I’m worried too that our easy camaraderie as friends would disappear.
合唱:矛盾著 犹豫不决 没準备 跨越爱的界线
Conflicted, undecided, unprepared to cross the boundaries of love.
怎麽会开始对你有了 感觉
How did I start having feelings toward you?
深陷朋友恋人之间的 危险
Sinking deeply into the danger of the grey zone between friends and lovers.
进与退 被爱包围 谁犯规 都狼狈
To proceed or to retreat, being surrounded by love. No matter who breaks the rules, it’d be awkward for all.
谁能解围 让一切完美
Who can break this siege, and return make everything perfect?

Repeat *

Repeat Chorus

进与退 被爱包围 谁犯规 都狼狈
To proceed or to retreat, being surrounded by love. No matter who breaks the rules, it’d be awkward for all.
谁能解围 让一切完美
Who can break this siege, and return make everything perfect?

Repeat Chorus

你和我 拥抱瞬间 不後悔 这暧昧
You and me, let’s embrace the moment. No regrets for the ambiguity.
星光唯美 把爱放心里面
Starlight is only beautiful, so let’s put love into our hearts.

美琪:把爱放心里面 哦~哦~
Put love into the heart. Oh… oh…
合唱:把爱放心里面 哦~哦~
Put love into the heart. Oh… oh…


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