[서울시합창단] G.F. Handel, Messiah⎮헨델, 메시아⎮세종문화회관

Описание к видео [서울시합창단] G.F. Handel, Messiah⎮헨델, 메시아⎮세종문화회관

[서울시합창단 Seoul Metropolitan Chorus]
제163회 정기연주회 《한여름의 메시아》

G.F. Handel’s Messiah⎮헨델, 메시아

▪️ The 163rd Annual Concert 《G.F. Handel’s Messiah》
▪️ Seoul Metropolitan Chorus
Artistic Director⎮JW Park
Orchestra⎮Camerata Antiqua Seoul
Venue⎮Sejong Chamber Hall



[Time Line]

00:00 1. Sinfonia (Overture)
03:44 2. Recit(Tenor)⎮Comfort ye, comfort ye my people
06:34 3. Air⎮Every valley shall be exalted (Tenor)
10:00 4. Chorus⎮And the glory, the glory of the Lord
13:02 5. Recit⎮Thus saith the Lord, the Lord of Hosts (Bass)
14:43 6. Air⎮But who may abide the day of His coming (C. Tenor)
19:12 7. Chorus⎮And He shall purify
21:50 8. Recit⎮Behold, a virgin shall conceive(C. Tenor)
22:20 9. Air & Chorus⎮O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion (C. Tenor)
27:48 10. Recit⎮For behold, darkness shall cover the earth (Bass)
30:06 11. Air⎮The people that walked in darkness (Bass)
33:21 12. Chorus⎮For unto us a Child is born
37:27 13. Pastoral Symphony
38:36 14. Recit⎮There were shepherds abiding in the field (Soprano)
38:52 15. Recit⎮And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them (Soprano)
39:55 16. Recit⎮And suddenly there was with the angel (Soprano)
40:13 17. Chorus⎮Glory to God in the highest
42:21 18. Air⎮Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion (Soprano)
47:08 21. Chorus⎮His yoke is easy, His burthen is light
49:26 44. Chorus⎮Hallelujah (Sing-along)

54:25 22. Chorus⎮Behold the Lamb of God
58:34 23. Air⎮He was despised (C. Tenor)
01:07:05 26. Chorus⎮All we like sheep, have gone astray
01:11:22 32. Air⎮But Thou didst not leave his soul in hell (Tenor)
01:13:36 33. Chorus⎮Lift up your heads, O ye gates
01:16:52 37. Chorus⎮The Lord gave the word
01:18:11 40. Air⎮Why Do the Nation So Furiously Rage Together (Bass)
01:21:25 45. Air⎮I know that my Redeemer liveth (Soprano)
01:28:15 46. Chorus⎮Since by man came death
01:30:26 47. Recit⎮Behold, I tell you a mystery (Bass)
01:30:56 48. Air⎮The trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be rais'd (Bass)
01:35:21 53. Chorus⎮Worthy is the Lamb that was slain & Amen

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